Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Radiation and such

So, I'm on day 10 of radiation treatments. So far, so good as the saying goes. It's amazing how routine it quickly becomes. I've been pretty free of side effects, other than I think it's affecting my brain, I swear. I've become even more forgetful! Case in point, last Tuesday I was clothes shopping since I had a job interview and none of my clothes fit. (both of those are fodder for other posts) I had on my favorite purple Sarah Palinesque glasses, the one I have on in this pic. Well somewhere between Ross and Kohls and Shoppers (had to get groceries too) I lost them. Here's the bad part, the part that makes me think this whole radiation thing is messing with my brain. I didn't notice that I didn't have them until the next morning when I was getting ready to leave the house for the SECOND time that day. AUGH! Then a couple days later I was headed to breakfast with a friend and started to go to a completely different restaurant than we had agreed on. I completely lost the first little card that the give you to check in with (yes, it's just like going to the gym, just scan your card) and I thought I lost the second one, but found it. So, if you ask me to do something and I blow you off, it's probably not you, it's my brain.
The other thing that I've taken to doing while I lay on the table and look at the landscape scene they have on the ceiling is praying for the people that are working on me. Of course, I didn't take to doing that until like day three. So if you've got a couple free minutes today around 12:30 and want to join me in praying for them, that would be great. Kristen, Ryan, Brian, Monica, Barbara, Dr. Gonzalez, Pam and...of course my radiation brain is slipping on the last one.
I got a bill from the hospital yesterday for my treatments. Holy heck! The bill I got goes only through my first two treatments. Everyone take a deep breath...$36,412. That's like a BMW or a year's salary. Maybe that's what my doctor will buy when he's done with all this. No wonder people go into bankruptcy over medical bills. I was very relieved when it said at the bottom of the bill pay this amount $0. Thank you God for insurance, though I know it won't cover 100% at least I won't have to sell my first born. (Oh that's right, I don't have a uterus anymore, so that's not an option!)

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